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The Zero Proof Life

The Zero Proof Life Challenge

The Zero Proof Life Challenge

Regular price $147.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $147.00 USD
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Our Challenge begins on Monday, Jan. 1 and runs through Feb. 1st. Community opens on Tue, Dec. 26.

What's Included in the ZPL Challenge?

  • 1-week lead-in period to cultivate self-compassion, set personal goals, and shift your mindset around alcohol
  • 30-day alcohol-free challenge
  • Content released daily that offers digestible information, tools, and strategies to implement and enjoy an alcohol-free life. 
  • Virtual, live group coaching with our 5 certified, ZPL Coaches offering a deeper dive into the daily  topics, Q+A opportunities, and mini-challenges to keep you focused and on track.
  • Access to a private community platform and knowledgebase. The free, mobile app makes it easy to keep in touch, stay motivated, and watch content on the go.

  • A workbook and journal prompts that guide you through each topic in the program offering affirmations, support, and education to guide and support you through this program.
  • 1-week wrap-up exploring the integration of the program and your life and offering options to continue your journey in The Zero Proof Life community. ZPLC “graduates” often join The ZPL Monthly Membership which focuses on radical self-care, personal development, and community. 
  • Improved health and wellness and tools for self-compassion, as well as a sense of accomplishment for completing the challenge!
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